The Privacy Policy


Part 1: How will you do with this information that you supply?

In order to complete transactions, our employees gathers personal data including names, addresses and email address of the customers who make purchases from us.

If you visit our website, we also automatically receive your computer\’s Internet Protocol (IP) address to provide us with information which helps us understand your operating system and browser.

We may send you emails from us regarding the product, store or news if you give your permission.


How do you get my permission?

It is your agreement to provide us with your personal details to complete a certain transaction. It could be used to check your information on your card create an order, schedule a delivery, or even return something.

If we request your personal information for a secondary reason, for example, marketing, we\’ll request your expressed consent, or offer you the possibility to opt out.


There may be a need to disclose your personal information under law if you are in violation of our Terms and Conditions.


The third-party service providers employ us will typically only keep, collect and transfer your information in the extent necessary to offer the service to us.

Certain third-party service providers like payment gateways processors of payments and so on each have their own privacy policies with respect to what information we need to provide.

Please read through the privacy guidelines before you contact these companies to ensure that you\’re aware of the ways they handle the personal information you provide.

It is also important to be aware that there may exist providers who are in another jurisdiction or that have different facilities. If you choose to proceed with a service transaction that involves a third party service provider, the law of that jurisdiction or the place of the facility could be applicable to the information you provide.

Section 5 – Security

To protect the information you provide us, we employ the best practices in industry and follow the proper security measures. It is a way to ensure that your information won\’t be misused or lost.

In the event that you supply us with the details of your credit card They are secured with Secure Socket Layer (SSL) technology, and later stored using AES-256. We follow the PCI-DSS and other industry standard requirements in spite of the fact that no transmission or storage technique is 100 percent secure.

Section 6 – Age of CONSENT

You represent by using this website that you have met the age requirements for minimums in the state or province that you reside in or meet the age minimum requirements of the state or provincial residence that you reside in. You have also agreed to permit minors who are dependent on you to use the site.